On 25th of March, the Special Investigation Service (STT) will organise the online session “How to promote transparency in the public sector? Cross-sectoral approach and Lithuanian experience in launching the “Integrity Academy”.

This discussion is a part of the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Darius Kuliešius, Chief Adviser to the President; Žydrūnas Bartkus, STT Director; Rūta Kaziliūnaitė, Deputy Director of the STT; Elanas Jablonskas, Vice-minister of the Ministry of Justice; Sergejus Muravjovas, Chief Executive Officer of the Transparency International Lithuania, and Aurimas Navys, Head of Corporate Security of Ignitis Group, will discuss both the concept of the “Integrity Academy” and the progress achieved since its establishment in 2020 and future goals.

The discussion in English is scheduled for 10:30 – 12:00, Vilnius time.

The OECD’s Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum is, perhaps, the largest anti-corruption and integrity event, which attracts thousands of participants from all over the world every year.

On 23-25 of March 2021, the Forum in a virtual format will explore the new integrity risks, challenges and opportunities that have arisen in the COVID-19 context, as well as identify innovative solutions required to govern and conduct business with integrity and tackle corruption in times of crisis.

The Forum invites governments, business leaders, policy makers, anti-corruption experts and practitioners, civil society representatives and academics to focus on restoring trust and integrity in and beyond the current crisis, in building a more resilient and more ethical future.

Lithuania is participating in this global event for the first time with its own session.

You can register for the Forum’s session about the “Integrity Academy” here. The link to join the online session will be sent by email to registered participants.

You can register for the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum here.

Agenda of the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum is here.