The Integrity Academy is a place for exchange of best anti-corruption practices, where top-experts in integrity standards will share their experiences and advice on how to create anti-corruption environment.
The idea of the Integrity Academy is to bring together highly experienced and competent experts, who would share their experience and practice with participants of the Integrity Academy – public sector organizations that voluntarily join the project and are willing to accept advice, experience, as well as to be committed to actively create anticorruption environment.
The Integrity Academy is a long-term project, which starts off by assessing the needs and corruption risks of the participants. According to this assessment, the most appropriate experts and activities are proposed to assist improving integrity and anti-corruption framework of participating institutions. Integrity action plans prepared by the experts allow to achieve the set goals by the most effective means. During the implementation of the plans, experts provide consultations and advice to the participants of the Academy that ensure the dissemination of best practices.